عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 28-04-13, 12:24 PM   #9

( متسوق جديد )


بدى اقول شئ اخى معزرة
شو انت بتحكى وتقول سماعات تعمل سرطان وسماعات ما تعمل ؟؟ من وين هيك الحكى ؟
وشو زيكون ؟ انت مفكر الناس هون بالمنتدى جهلاء وعم تحكى اى كلام
خلينى احكيك واعلمك عشان ما تصير تألف من راسك مرة تانية
اولا المادة تسمى زيركون , وليس زيكون
وهى تأتى من خواص الزيركونيم . وهى مادة كيميائية لتبيض الاشياء . وتستخدم عادة لتبيض الاسنان بسبب قوة تأثير الكيمائيات بها , وايضا تلميع المصوغات

اقراء هذا

Zircon is one of the stones that have received little public attention in its natural state. While known to man since the beginning of civilization, it was usually not as popular as other more colorful or fancy stones. Zircon is a natural forming mineral and it should be noted that it is different from Cubic Zirconium which is created in a laboratory as an affordable diamond imitator.

Natural Zircon is made from Zirconium silicate and one of its attributes is its high refractive qualities. Zircon also comes in a myriad of colors from colorless which is the closest natural forming mineral that resembles the diamond, to blues, greens, yellows and most commonly brown.

It should be noted that Zircon is pretty hard, but can be brittle and scratched easily. It is a great stone for jewelry, but care for it when wearing it on a day to day basis. Zircon is believed to come from the Persian word zargun. This word means gold color, while Zircon is commonly brown, it can also be goldish in color as well.

Most Zircon is color treated with the help of heat and radiation. When Zircon is exposed to intense heats, usually ranging from 900 to 1,000 degrees Celsius, the color center can change giving it a new color. In fact, all Zircon can easily change with heat treatments and Zircon can usually go through a round of heat treatments before creating the desired color.

Although Zircon is not as popular as other stones, it does have mystical qualities associated it. For instance, it is said that Zircon will help you sleep; it is also said that it is helpful in promoting honor and was given to those that seek wisdom.

ان زين الشئ الثانى هو ان كل سماعات البلوتوث لها مخاطر واحدة ولايمكن الحماية منها الا بتقليل وقت الاستخدام
حيث ان جميع انواع سماعات البلوتوث تعمل بتقنية ميكرويف ( Bluetooth operates in the range of 2400–2483.5 MHz (including guard bands

Bluetooth EMF Safety
Health Effects, Risks & Dangers of Bluetooth Radiation
Are Bluetooth Headsets Dangerous?
All Bluetooth Headsets and Technologies emit wireless microwave radiation.

Microwave frequencies have a short wavelength and a rapid rate of oscillation. This is what enables them to travel long distances carrying information without needing to be contained in a wire.

The short wavelength and rapid oscillation of microwave frequencies also make them adept at being able to penetrate living tissue down to a cellular level.

This characteristic is what led Soviet Russia in the 1950's to utilize microwave frequencies for weapons. By beaming microwave radiation at the US Embassy in Russia, the Soviets were able to induce leukemia in several US ambassadors.

Microwave Radiation Exposure Dangers from Bluetooth
Using any type of wireless technology is putting yourself in a field of microwave radiation. The effects of long term microwave radiation exposure upon the body have been documented in countless studies for decades.

Long-term exposure to microwave radiation has been linked to:

•brain tumors
•birth defects
•autoimmune illnesses
•multiple sclerosis
•hair loss

اخى اتمنى منك عدم التحدث مرة اخرى باشياء لا تعلمها . فقط لانك تحاول تحلية منتجك على حساب الناس
وما تتحدث مع الناس على اساس انهم جهلة وما يدرون ويش انت بتحكى .
حسبى اللة ونعم الوكيل فى امثالك
من غشنا فليس منا

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